Welcome to the Kevin's Homepage

Introduction to my personal artificial intelligence landing projects.

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Hi there 👋

✍️  Hello,I'm Kevin! Graduated from the School of Artificial Intelligence,

  Southwest Jiaotong University, majoring in software engineering,

  I am working on the research of artificial intelligence and intelligent detection application technology.

  We're making the world a better place. Through constructing elegant hierarchies for maximum code reuse and extensibility.

  It's too late to start, but it's never too late. Spring flowers and autumn fruits, hard work will definitely pay off ...

✍️  嗨,我是曹科,毕业于西南交通大学人工智能学院软件工程专业,





The following is a brief introduction to my personal artificial intelligence landing project.


1. 输料带异常状态检测系统

2. 搅拌站智能卸料系统

3. 混凝土塌落度在线检测系统

Support or Contact

We-chat: Kevin_Cao_0

E-mail: kevin_cao_91@163.com

Github: https://github.com/kevincao91